Assessment Design and

Field 026: Marketing

The assessment design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this assessment measures.

Assessment Design

Format Computer-based test (CBT)
Number of Questions 100 multiple-choice questions
Time* 120 minutes
Passing Score 220

*Does not include 15-minute CBT tutorial


Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

Domain Range of Competencies Approximate Percentage of Assessment Score
I Marketing Principles 0001–0005 22%
II Sales, Promotions, and Merchandise Control 0006–0011 25%
III Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship 0012–0018 28%
IV Employment, Communication, and Problem-Solving Skills 0019–0024 25%
Domain I–Marketing Principles

0001 Understand fundamental concepts, functions, and goals of marketing.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic marketing concepts and methods.
  2. Examine the functions, characteristics, and goals of marketing (e.g., the role of marketing in business).
  3. Analyze the societal significance of marketing.

0002 Understand market research functions, characteristics, and procedures.


  1. Examine the purposes for conducting market research.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of steps and procedures in market research and market identification.
  3. Apply procedures for collecting, analyzing, and reporting marketing data.
  4. Analyze the role of market research in the development of marketing plans.

0003 Understand marketing strategies in business.


  1. Recognize purposes of marketing strategies and key concepts related to marketing strategies (e.g., target market, marketing mix).
  2. Analyze the role of the four P's of marketing (i.e., product, pricing, place, and promotional strategies) in developing marketing strategies.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the significance of demographic data and market segmentation in marketing.
  4. Apply skills in using marketing information in various business contexts.

0004 Understand principles of product planning, service planning, and price planning.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of phases in product and service planning and factors affecting product and service planning.
  2. Recognize stages of the product life cycle and the role of marketing in the various stages (e.g., in the product design stage).
  3. Examine the concept of product mix and its role in product planning.
  4. Apply knowledge of pricing strategies and factors that affect pricing decisions (e.g., profit objectives).

0005 Understand channels of distribution in marketing.


  1. Recognize the role of geographic and other variables in decisions regarding product and service distribution.
  2. Examine types and characteristics of channels of distribution for different types of goods and services.
  3. Recognize factors to consider in selecting, evaluating, and expanding channels of distribution.
  4. Identify types, characteristics, and functions of wholesalers and retailers.
Domain II–Sales, Promotions, and Merchandise Control

0006 Understand consumer buying decisions and principles related to sales.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of consumer buying decisions and ways to determine customer buying motives (e.g., questioning a customer for information).
  2. Apply principles and techniques for initiating sales and for presenting products and services (e.g., feature-benefit selling, demonstrating a product, using customer buying motives in sales presentations).
  3. Recognize principles and procedures for suggestion selling and for closing a sale.
  4. Examine factors and considerations related to the use of various techniques in sales, including the use of sales quotas.

0007 Understand customer relations and service.


  1. Identify appropriate skills, attitudes, and behaviors for salespeople to use with customers in various situations.
  2. Apply techniques for assisting customers (e.g., handling inquiries, using information that accompanies merchandise).
  3. Recognize types of customer objections and complaints and proper ways of handling objections and complaints.

0008 Understand product and service promotions.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of types, characteristics, and purposes of product and service promotions.
  2. Identify elements of a promotional mix and factors influencing the selection of a promotional mix (e.g., advertising budget).
  3. Apply principles and procedures used in developing product and service promotions (e.g., role of the promotional plan, consumer targeting).
  4. Analyze characteristics, uses, advantages, and limitations of different types of promotional activities.

0009 Understand promotional media and principles of design as applied to promotional activities.


  1. Identify types, uses, and characteristics of various promotional strategies (e.g., news release, public relations, print media, broadcast media).
  2. Recognize factors and procedures in preparing a media advertisement (e.g., in relation to lead-time, preparing advertising copy, calculating media costs).
  3. Identify functions (e.g., to project an image, create interest) and elements (e.g., focal point, balance) of visual design and display.
  4. Apply principles of design in various marketing contexts (e.g., print ad, display arrangement, store layout).

0010 Understand principles and procedures related to merchandising (including shipping and receiving, inventory control, and purchasing).


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of steps and procedures for ordering, shipping, and receiving merchandise.
  2. Identify types and functions of inventory control systems and ways of calculating inventory shrinkage.
  3. Identify factors and procedures related to industrial purchasing and purchasing for resale.

0011 Understand security and safety precautions in the marketing environment.


  1. Identify types and characteristics of common security problems in the marketing environment (e.g., shoplifting, ticket switching, pilferage, fraud, internal theft in shipping and receiving).
  2. Recognize and apply prevention techniques for common security problems.
  3. Apply knowledge of safety precautions and practices in the workplace (e.g., procedures for preventing accidents, importance of maintenance).
Domain III–Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship

0012 Understand basic principles and applications of macroeconomics.


  1. Analyze the role of government in the U.S. economy (including monetary and fiscal policy).
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the business cycle.
  3. Examine factors that affect the economy and economic growth.
  4. Identify measures of economic growth and activity (e.g., gross domestic product, break-even point, unemployment rate, consumer price index) and their relationship to marketing.
  5. Recognize factors that affect international trade and economics (e.g., trade barriers, trade agreements, monetary exchange rates).

0013 Understand basic principles and applications of microeconomics.


  1. Examine the elements of a mixed market/free enterprise system (e.g., free trade, profit, risk, competition) and basic characteristics of types of economic systems.
  2. Analyze factors and processes that affect businesses and business decisions (e.g., in relation to labor, productivity, types of goods and services offered, law of supply and demand, economic utility, pricing).
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of economic resources and choices and how limited resources affect businesses and consumers.

0014 Understand the structure, organization, and management of businesses.


  1. Identify types and forms of business ownership (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation) and advantages and disadvantages associated with each type.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and operation of businesses, including concepts and issues related to planning, management, and organizational features.

0015 Understand principles and procedures related to entrepreneurship.


  1. Identify characteristics, skills, and roles of entrepreneurs.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of factors, issues, and procedures related to planning, structuring, and marketing a proposed business, including developing a business plan.
  3. Examine procedures for starting, buying, and operating franchises.

0016 Understand basic principles of finance and credit.


  1. Examine principles of finance and sources of financing.
  2. Identify types of credit and loans (e.g., revolving, equity line, secured) and their characteristics.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of principles and procedures related to credit for businesses and consumers (e.g., the three C's of credit, procedures for recording credit transactions in business).

0017 Understand principles of human resource management.


  1. Apply principles and procedures for recruiting, interviewing, selecting, hiring, and evaluating employees in marketing occupations.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of procedures and programs for employee orientation and training.
  3. Analyze procedures for building the skills, independence, and productivity of workers in marketing occupations and for minimizing employee turnover.
  4. Recognize the impact of change on employees and ways to cope with change effectively.

0018 Understand laws affecting marketing activities.


  1. Apply knowledge of legal rights and regulations regarding the sale and purchase of goods and services (e.g., warranties, guarantees, product labeling, product liability, advertising claims).
  2. Recognize consumer rights and protections offered by federal laws and agencies.
Domain IV–Employment, Communication, and Problem-Solving Skills

0019 Understand processes and skills for seeking and maintaining employment.


  1. Examine careers in marketing, their characteristics (e.g., working conditions, responsibilities, opportunities for advancement) and their preparation requirements (e.g., educational requirements).
  2. Apply skills for seeking employment (e.g., résumé and portfolio development, career ladder analysis, completion of job applications).
  3. Identify appropriate preparation and interviewing skills in various interviewing contexts.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of professionalism (e.g., neat personal appearance, responsibility, flexibility, initiative, cooperation) and appropriate social skills and behaviors for the workplace.

0020 Understand human relations and leadership skills in the marketing environment.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of leadership styles, skills, and strategies in the marketing environment (e.g., skills for inspiring teamwork and improving team functioning).
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of motivational theories.
  3. Apply procedures for improving and maintaining morale (e.g., encouraging input, recognizing accomplishments).
  4. Apply principles of problem solving, decision making, and crisis management to human relations issues and problems in the marketing workplace.

0021 Understand business communication skills.


  1. Understand elements of effective communication, including elements related to listening and nonverbal communication.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of how to prepare and present various types of business communications, including written reports and oral presentations.
  3. Apply business communication skills and strategies in a variety of situations, including assertive communication skills.

0022 Apply mathematical principles and skills to solve problems in marketing contexts.


  1. Solve problems involving percentages (e.g., determining markups and discounts) and basic algebra.
  2. Use mathematical operations (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) to solve problems in various marketing contexts (e.g., making correct change, calculating hours worked by an employee, interpreting charts and graphs).

0023 Understand principles and applications of computer technology, information processing systems, and telecommunications in business and marketing contexts.


  1. Recognize types, functions, and characteristics of computer hardware and software, including multimedia systems and desktop publishing applications.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the uses of computer technology and information processing systems in business and marketing.
  3. Recognize components and principles of telecommunications systems, and ways in which telecommunications can be used in business and marketing situations.

0024 Understand the role of student organizations and school partnerships with business and industry in marketing education.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of student organizations and activities in marketing education (e.g., DECA) and their role in developing student knowledge and skills.
  2. Identify strategies for encouraging and supporting student organizations and activities in marketing education (e.g., advising, coaching, chaperoning, supervising).
  3. Analyze methods for developing and maintaining relationships with business and industry to enhance student learning opportunities (e.g., establishing advisory committees, conducting surveys of industry needs).
  4. Apply skills in communicating with business partners (e.g., regarding program goals, activities, student competencies).